09:00 essentials summer 2023 0 Comments
Studio Forty DT CALL!
15:30 0 Comments
Lubisz tworzyć? Dobrze się czujesz w grupie? Masz aktywne konto na instagramie i/lub Facebooku? Robisz dobre, jasne i ostre zdjęcia swoich prac? Jeśli ten opis przedstawia Ciebie, to nie wahaj się wysłać swoje zgłoszenie. Szukamy osób lubiących stemple, tworzących jedne lub wiele rodzajów prac- skrapy, mini albumy, kartki, Project Life, prace w notesach oraz projekty DIY.
Jak się zgłosić:
- 1. wyślij nam 1-2 zdjęcia swojej ostatniej, najlepszej (wg ciebie) pracy
- 2. Stwórz coś z wykorzystaniem dowolnych produktów Studio Forty. Niech będzie to dowolny projekt, w ulubionej przez ciebie formie
- 3. Wyślij nam i formacje o wszystkich DT w których jesteś obecnie, oraz daty zakończenia współpracy. Jeśli byłaś wcześniej w jakimś DT napisz nam w jakim.
- 4. Chcemy cię poznać- w zgłoszeniu podaj swoje imię, skąd jesteś, linki do profilu na instagramie i/lub Facebooku, bloga. Jeśli masz swój kanał YouTube, prześlij link również do niego
- 5. Napisz kilka zdań o sobie, od kiedy skrapujesz, co lubisz w produktach Studio Forty, dlaczego myślisz ze będziesz idealnym dodatkiem do naszego DT
Co oferujemy:
- 6 miesięczny okres współpracy ( z możliwością przedłużenia) począwszy od października 2023 roku.
- Zniżkę na zakupy w naszym sklepie
- Paczki DT pełne produktów z najnowszych kolekcji. (Wysyłka w Polsce gratis)
- Pokazywanie twoich prac na naszych kontach instagram i facebook
Członek naszego DT będzie miał do przygotowania 2 posty miesięcznie.
Czekamy na wasze zgłoszenia do 15.09.2023 do północy. Wysyłajcie je na mail
Skontaktujemy się mailowo z wybranymi osobami.
We are looking for Creative souls, who loves paper crafting, with a fresh modern style, who can create projects using variety of our products.
Do you enjoy creating projects? Do you work well in team? Do you have an active Instagram and facebook so you can share and promote Studio Forty products? Do you take a bright, sharp and interesting project’s photos?
If yes, do not hesistate and send us your application.
We are looking for crafters who makes scrapbook layouts, mini albums, PL pages, DIY projects and Notebooks, who likes stamps.
How to apply:
- 1. Send us an email showcasing your recent best 2 projects (1-2 photos Only)
- 2. Make one project using Studio Forty products. Type of project depends of you, just show us your style and creativity
- 3. Send us ALL DTs which you are currently, and when is the end date for them. Please add also your past DT info.
- 4. We would love to know you better- Please inlcude your name, country, instagram and facebook page,blog url (if you have one), it would be great if you also have an YouTube channel- share it with us too.
- 5. Write us couple of paragrafs about you, why you like Studio Forty products, when and where you started working with them, why you will be perfect addition to our DT.
What we offer:
- 6 months term (for a start, with availability to prolong for longer) starting oct 2023
- DT packages full of new products from upcoming collections
- %off for shopping in our online store
- Showcasing you and your project on instagram and facebook
DT member is willing to post 2 projects per month.
All apllications must be submitted until September 15th at midnight CET. Send them on our email-
We will contact chosen crafters Via email.
Mini album // Magda -papierowy.cekin
09:00 album , daily diary scrapbooking , papiery studio forty , scrapalbum , stemple , studio forty collection 0 Comments
Photocall LO | Piruletasdepapel
09:00 12x12 layout , 3d stickers , clear stamps , die cuts , enamel dots , essentials summer 2023 , pastel seals , pastel wax seals , patterned paper , piruletasdepapel , PL cards , puffy stickers , transparent stickers 0 Comments
How funny a photocall can be in a party! Few years ago my kids decided themselves to organise a photocall for my B-day party. Since then, the photocall has become the golden star of the day. I love their creative initiative!
The LO is 12'x12', it is inspired by a street advertising poster in Barcelona. Inspiration is everywhere! ;)
It's time to embellish the paper squares with different elements: a tiny vellum star with a white heart stamped, and a stamped wooden charm are the perfect combination to hang from white thread wrapped arround the paper square.
You can also use die cuts, enamels and transparent stickers from the collection. This time I adhere the stickers directly on patterned paper (and not on a white cardstock). You can also use little sequins to give some movement to the composition. I love interactive elements!
As to let the layout breath, it is important to leave some spaces with no squares of paper. These spaces were embellished in different ways: a pastel wax seal and some white thread underneath,
or you can cut out geometric forms from the PL cards, add a 'good times' transparent sticker and finalise it with some enamel dots. Take a look at spaces on the margin of the layout: I used a couple of flowers white stamped on vellum and hand cut.
But probably my fav part of this layout is the hidden envelope, containing the journaling of this memory. I keep it closed with a puffy sticker. The fake envelope is handmade (no tools used) and adapted with a piecce of white cardstock for the text.
One final pic in which you can see that all elements are placed on a "sandwich": white cardstock first, a beautiful patterned paper underneath to create a frame and a 12'x12' white cardstock as final layer.
That's all for today! Hope you enjoyed today's post and don't forget to visit Studio Forty shop website, you will get 10% off with the code nuria10! Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely week!
W stylu vintage | Anna Kaczmarek
09:00 Aka , Anna Kaczmarek , Artist Trading Card , atc , cardmaking , cards , clear stamps , essentials , herbarium , herbarium collection , vintage 0 Comments
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