You can see that I cut the alphas with a die cut. In the end there were a lot of paper snippets and I couldn’t throw them away… So I used them in another spread:
On the photo of the third spread the girls are dressed up as heroes of their childhood. For this I mixed the DAYDREAM collection with papers and stamps of the SUPER YOU collection – that was perfect with the theme of the story!
I hope you enjoy your springtime too!
The products I used (You can click on the words to find them in the shop):
Hello Scrappers! It´s Vânia here and today i´m sharing two TN pages that i´ve made with the beautiful DayDream collection.
For the first one i fussy cut some flowers and leaves from one of the 12x12 papers and mixed them with some stamped images to create a little cluster under my photo.
For my page tittle i stamped a speech bubble on the right side of my page and complement with some word stickers and a little chipboard shape from the Magic Fall collection.
My second spread it´s a little bit more playful and it´s all about those everyday moments. My dog always like to explore and go outside for a little walk.
Inspired by the horizontal lines from the stairs in the photos, i've used scraps and the clear border stickers to create an horizontal scheme in my spread.
I'm using some stickers and stamps to decorate my page.
This tittle again is a mix of stickers and stamps. And to complete my page i always like to add some paint splatters and some dots here and there.
And that's all for today, wish you all a wonderful week!
All the links to the products that i´m using are below.
Dzień dobry! Dzisiaj głos oddajemy Gwen, naszej gościnnej projektantce z Francji.
Jej prace mieliście już okazję poznać - odsyłamy tutaj (klik) (klik).
Gwen wzięła na warsztat kolekcję Daydream, a efektem jej pracy
jest cudowny, romantyczny layout z historiÄ… w tle.
Gwen pisze tak:
"I moved a few months's our first spring in our new home and our
new garden... we've discovered that we've got a wonderful cherry tree!
I love it! Daydream collection is perfect with this photo!"
/ "Przeprowadziłam się kilka miesięcy temu... to nasza pierwsza wiosna
w nowym domu i nowym ogrodzie. Odkryliśmy, że mamy cudowną wiśnię!
Po prostu ją uwielbiam! Kolekcja Daydream doskonale zgrała się ze zdjęciem".
Gwen znana jest z subtelnych prac z klimacie clean&simple.
Kolejnym jej projektem są kartki, do których wykorzystała
karty PL, stemple oraz naklejki z kolekcji Daydream:
Gwen: "For these cards I've used PL cards, stamps and stickers from Daydream collection"
Nastały piękne, słoneczne dni, a w sercu prawie przysłowiowy maj. W moich pracach również czuć wiosenne nuty. Dziś mam dla Was właśnie takie delikatne, kwiatowe kartki.
Pierwsza z nich jest obsypana stemplowanymi kwiatami z zestawu Flowers 3. Czy Wam one również przypominają kwitnące magnolie? Ponieważ brakowało mi do zamknięcia kompozycji malutkich kwiatów, postanowiłam je sobie dorysować. To moja niespodzianka dla Was! Na końcu posta znajdziecie link do pobrania grafiki.
Kolejna kartka powstała również z użyciem stempli z Flowers 3 oraz z zestawu I love you. Połączyłam je ze sobą tworząc proste, nieskomplikowane kwiaty. Lubicie tak łączyć stemple ze sobą? Dla mnie to idealny sposób na otrzymanie niepowtarzalnego efektu.
Ostatnia kartka również wykorzystuje stemple z różnych zestawów. Na arkuszu In the garden odbiłam koła z zestawu I love you, tak żeby było widać pastelowe róże. Do tego dodałam stemplowane napisy z zestawów Tu i teraz i You got this. Prawda, że świetnie do siebie pasują?
A teraz czas na obiecaną niespodziankę! TUTAJ znajdziecie ją do pobrania (podczas druku grafiki nie skalujcie jej do A4). Pochwalcie się koniecznie, jesli użyjecie jej w swoich pracach.
Nikki here :) Today I will show you a sweet little scrapbook layout I´ve made with the most beautiful collection called "Daydream". I love all these flowers and soft colors from this collection. At my YouTube channel you can also see a little process video, have a look.
For this layout I cut out six squares in 2x2" an decorate them with all these pretty goodies from the collection. Clear stickers and flower stickers. I´m also in love with the stamps. For an extra highlight I stamped on vellum and embossed it with white embossing powder. I love how it turns out.
The clear stickers in black create some pops of details. For some messiness I added some color splashes and enamel dots in matching colors. In the video above you can see how I created this layout. I hope you had fun and are inspired by this beautiful Daydream collection. Let us know in the comments bellow if you have any questions and share your work with us :)
it's my turn again today and this time i want to show you, that i am able to
do other stuff than wedding layouts with the lovely Daydream collection.... ;-)
This is Isa and I am very excited to be a part of the Studio Forty team. I am thrilled today to present you my first post here.
I have created this layout with some papers of the collecion DayDream by Studio Forty. I have played with three papers and I have done some fussy cutting to use the flowers as decorations around the picture.
I have used also some gesso and drops of black ink to give more color to the layout. Besides, I have stamped some of the flowers of the DayDream stamps collection to add more decorations behind the picture.
It is quite esential when you create a scrapbook project to use the most of the papers, for example, with the fussy cutting you get die cuts for your creations as I have made for the layout.
As the title I used also some stamps to make the frame and then I put a transparent sticker that is from the same collection, DayDream by Studio Forty.
To protect the paper from the ink I have added some white gesso before organising all the decorations of the layout so I can use the ink with water with no risk of breaking the paper. It is a very useful trick if you want to add some mix media elements to you creations.
Layers of papers behind the picture are also an important factor when creating layouts, as you can give volume to the photo and importance in the project itself.
I also stamped some words from one of the stamps sets from the collection DayDream from Studio Forty.
If you have liked the project, you can check the tutorial here in the video below. I hope you like it!
I hope you create wonderful things with the DayDream collection that it is so easy to work with! I'll see you soon in the Studio Forty blog with new projects! Love! Isa
Cześć, z tej strony Agnieszka i dziś chcę Wam pokazać jak w łatwy sposób można tworzyć fajne kolaże w Canvie oraz korzystać z gotowych siat...
Cześć, kochani! 😊 DziÅ› mam dla Was inspiracjÄ™, która od nowego roku jest szczególnie bliska mojemu sercu – book journal ! 📖✨ Uwielbiam Å‚...
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