Envelope Mini Album | Vânia Fonseca

Hello Crafty friends! Vânia here with a mini album made with the Hello World and the Beautiful Life collections.

The pattern paper full of stamps from the Hello World collection was the inspiration behind this album envelope shaped.

I´'ve started by making the structure using chipboard, cutting two pieces approximately with 4,5' x 6,5', another two with 0,5' x 6,5' and one with 2,5' in the wider point x 6,5' for the envelope closer. To keep it all close i used a little velcro piece.

For the inside i decided to make a little pocket on the left, to store ticket´s, bill´s and other ephemera pieces you may collect on your trip.

On the right side to store the photos a little cascade. Because it´s perfect to store a lot of photos when you don´t have a lot of space.

To decorate the photos i used stamped images mixed with stickers.

That's all for today, thanks for passing by!
The links to all the products that i'm using are below.

Beautiful Life Collection
Hello World Collection
Beautiful Life Notebook papers
Hello World Notebook papers
Bicycle stamp set
Summer Vibes Stamp set
Just Perfect Stamp set
Noted Stamp set
Let´s Go Stamp set
Joyful Clear Stickers
Words, words Stickers

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On your way⎪Layout⎪Heidi Ma

Hi friends,
this time I have a layout for you, made with the collections Beautiful Life and Hello World.
The papers are perfekt for photos made in your holidays!

In front of the photo, in the right corner, you can see my daughter, but she disappears between the colours of the landscape. Thats why I accentuate her with the brackets and the arrows.

I cut out some branches, twigs and other die cuts (perfekt for this: the papers BEAUTIFUL LIFE - enjoy today / relax and HELLO WORLD - Earth calling / Positive thoughts - and all your cut outs will be perfect together!) and added the transparent stickers. I love the hexagons made with the stampset Just Perfect - stamp set#91 - I think they are on nearly every layout I made since I have this set!


The alphas are made with the stargazing paper, but I used the notebook edition (the pattern is smaller on this papers).

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Tutorial by Opsite: How to create your own party decoration


I propose to make your own party decoration.
Chinese lanterns are originals and easy to create.

They look like:

 I put them as a banner:

 Here is the tutorial

How to create your own Chinese paper lantern

Step 1
Cut a reclangle. The size is 10.5 x 15 cm.
Fold it in half (your rectangle’s size is now 5.25 x 15cm)
Fold it by hands preferably to avoid a strong crease

Step 2
Draw a line 3.5 cm from the folded side with a pencil. This will give you a gridline that you will erase later on
Put marks every centimetres on the pencil line
(Look at the Schema 1)
Step 3
Cut with sissors all the dashed lines in the Schema 1

Step 4
Erase the pencil lines
Unfold the lantern. Glue the end of rectangle to create a tube (the first and the last fringe are glued one over the other)

Step 5
Cut another rectangle. Its size is 15 x 8.5 cm.
As you prefer, choose a harmonious or a contrast color.
Roll it and put it inside the lantern.
Staple the side.
Slide the lantern along the interior tub and staple the other side.

Step 6
Cut a 22 cm piece of baker twine and glue it to the inside tube of the lantern.

Step 7
Add masking tape all around the edges of the lantern.

Show us your lanterns!!

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Summer memories | AgnieszkaD

Koniec wakacji zbliża się wielkimi krokami, choć my nie tak dawno z nich wróciliśmy. Nasz tegoroczny urlop był krótsze niż zwykle, ale piękny, bo nad ukochanym polskim morzem.
Album z tego wyjazdu właśnie powstaje, w formie travelersa i dziś chcę Wam pokazać okładkę oraz kilka gotowych już stron.


Pokochałam całostronicowe, duże zdjęcia, będzie ich w tym albumie pełno. Zwykle drukuje je w układzie pionowym, ale tym razem sporo ich będzie także w układzie poziomym.

A na dużych zdjęciach nie może zabraknąć przeźroczystych naklejek i słówek! Dodałam też parę elementów wyciętych z arkuszy, świetnie zastępują chipboardy.

Na jednej ze stron zrobiłam tło stemplem taga, bardzo lubię ten stempel. Teraz żałuję, że nie zrobiłam tego tła no obu stronach, wyglądałoby jeszcze fajniej.

W albumie pomieszałam obydwie letnie kolekcje, ale nie tylko. Pojawiają się też arkusze i dodatki ze starszych kolekcji, bo po prostu pasują ;)

To na dzisiaj wszystko, wracam do albumowania, resztę stron pokażę na instagramie.
A jak Wasze wakacje, udane? Oscrapowane już?

W albumie znajdziecie:

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