Lunare C&S cards

07:38 , 0 Comments

 Hello Studio Forty friends! Irina is here.
 Today I have a super cute C&S cards  using the amazing Lunare collection.

 My project is a simple and super stylish cards.
I started my cards by carving silhouette of a whale and a heart. For this I used my plotter. Then I decorated the whale. First of all I took a watercolor. I sprayed a some water on the whale. Then I took a brush and typed a watercolor on it. Touching the whale lightly, I put dots of watercolors that spread. The result is a beautiful background.

 Next, I used embossing. I put the print with a stamp from the Lunare collection. And I also used black powder for embossing. Then I returned the whale to the place where I cut it. I also added a twig stamp and enamel dots. Space whale is ready!

For the second card I used blue watercolor. I made an ombre effect in place of a heart.

And then I filled it with stamps, paper stars, stickers, and a chipboard. Very nice and stylish!

See you very soon and thanks for reading! 


 I used:

Enjoy your creativity with Studio Forty!

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Good Times layout | Isa

Hello everybody!!!

How's everyone doing? How's your confinement going? Here in Spain things are a little strange but at least I can say that I am fine for now, trying to cope with everything! This is Isa here, and today I want to show you a new layout I 've made with a Studio Forty collection.

Due to the situation that we are living I haven't received yet the new materials and the new collection so I have decided to use one of the collections I like the most from Studio Forty, Beautiful Life. Because of the die cuts that I love and the happy colors I thought that it was the best option to use. 

I have made a layout on a 12x12 inches watercolor paper, and I have created the background using different colors of distress inks. Apart from that, I have stamped some motives from the Beautiful Life collection stamps in different colors, grey and pink. 

I have added some drops of yellow, white and black ink to add more details to it. Leading to the picture I have used a yellow thread that is linked with die cuts from the collection and wooden stars that I have painted in black. 

As the cluster of layers for the picture I have used pieces of paper that I had from the Beautiful Live collection, a tag and a lace and some details from the papers that I cut myself. 

I added a badge and some transparent stickers around the picture to add final decorations to it. I think also that the detail of the thread is a good resource so give emphasis and importance to the picture, as well as something different than the things we are used to see in layouts. 

For the title of this layout I have used the wooden chipboard of the Beautiful Life collection, Good Times, but I painted in black as the stars that I used to decorate the layout. 

The die cuts that I have used over the layout are combining in colors with the stripes of paper and also with the colors of ink that I have been using on the layout. It is good to use a black and white picture because in that way you do not have to also think about what colors combine with the picture you are using. What is more, I do think that black and white pictures are way more elegant. 

I hope you have liked this post and that you create tons of layouts at home these days, but mos important, take good care of yourselves and your families!! Lots of love,
See you soon!

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Vintage Romantic | Stephanie B.

Hello Crafters,

Stephanie is here hoping everyone is fine and healthy?

While staying at home, i had have the time to look through old photos.
And so i found a really old photo. It shows my grandparents where they both were
young lovebirds...

I think this was about 1945. Doesn't my granddad look like an italian gangster with his
longer black hair?

The perfect picture for the wunderfull "So Romantic"-Collection you can pre-order at the
StudioForty Shop now.

SO ROMANTIC-01- scrapbook paper
SO ROMANTIC-03- scrapbook paper
SO ROMANTIC-04- scrapbook paper
Sending love - stamp set # 110
Life in Pictures - stamp set # 111
Happy Place- transparent stickers (english)

Stay safe and healthy
virtual hugs, Stephanie

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Sending Love Layout / Alexandra Würden

Hi Crafty Girls,
I was so happy when the package came with the new Studio Forty collection. Just the right thing to distract yourself today. So completely, but then I did not let go of the topic with the corona virus and the resulting events.

And so I used a photo of my birthday, the day it became known that in Germany all shops except supermarkets, petrol stations and banks etc. are closed. But as you can see the mail delivery is still secured on my layout. ;-)

First I cut out a strip of the great house paper and brushed the background paper with blue paint. Then I stamped the sweet envelope stamp on different designer papers and cut it out.

Since the whole post has to come from somewhere ... the balloons naturally fit perfectly. I stamped these on white cardstock and glued them to the letters with spacing adhesive.

Now I add the photos and stickers and my layout is ready.

I hope I could inspire you.

I used the following products:

- 'So Romantic' 03 Paper
- 'So Romantic' 01 Paper
- 'So Romantic' 02 Paper
- Sending Love Stamp Set
- 'So Romantic' Chipboard Sticker

Have a great day and stay healthy


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Spring layout with LUNARE collection I Opsite


Here is my layout with Lunare collection.
Spring is here!!!
We can see it through our windows. I promise the sun is come back and flowers are all around us.
Now, with the containement, we can hear birds all the day.
It's a good news, isn'nt it? 

Despite the special days we are living, scrapbooking give comfort in our life. So I share with you my creation with  flowers explosion!!
I create my own embellishments when I cut the flower pattern.
I add some colored and chipboard stickers on the page and then I stamp with black ink and clear stamp.

Some close up:

Materials used

Take care of you


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Z miłością So Romantic | Katarzyna Kowalicka


Wraz z nadejściem wiosny nadeszła i ona, nowa kolekcja So Romantic! :)
Jej pastelowe odcienie, lekkie jak piórko i dmuchawce wzory i przepiękne stemple oraz karty do project life od razu mnie urzekły.

I wiedziałam jak tylko ją zobaczyłam, że idealnie nadaje się do projektów tylu clean and simple.
Postanowiłam w pierwszej kolejności zrobić kartkę w pudełku - na okazję ślubu lub w zasadzie każdą inną bo wystarczy zmienić napis i mamy gotową kartkę na urodziny, rocznicę czy dzień mamy.

Jako tło wykorzystałam kartę do projekt life, która urzekła mnie delikatnością i idealnie nadała się na tło do kartki. Wystarczyło dodać odbitki stempli i prosta ale urocza kartka gotowa :)

Wykonałam tez pudełko do kartki, w którym oprócz kartki zmieszczą się na przykład kupony lotto, karty upominkowe czy bilety pieniężne Narodowego Banku Polskiego ;)
Naklejki na transparentnym tle oraz te na kolorowych tłach bardzo dobrze sprawdziły się w ozdabianiu i tak naprawdę czasami wystarczy jeden czy dwa takie elementy bo projekt miał to "coś".

Serdecznie polecam Wam nowa kolekcję So Romantic bo jest piękna, co będę ściemniać :)
Wszystkie jej elementy się świetnie ze sobą komponują a poszczególne części są uniwersalne w przekazie i posłużą wielu okazjom.

Trzymajcie siÄ™ zdrowo!


W pracy wykorzystałam:

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The vintage file cabinet | Anabel

Hello again!

I had this file cabinet at work that I didn't use and I wanted to bring it back to life. It was a pretty ugly color, a very dull green and in many parts it was broken, maybe this file drawer is older than me hahaha.

That's why the first thing I decided to do was to paint it with acrylic paint I had at home in a beige color that goes great with the Gaia collection.

For the front, I used a piece of fabric and several papers from this collection torn and overlapped on top of each other to create contrast.  I decided to decorate it with those pretty little legs that I cut out of a tag from this collection and I put a chipboard with the word wonderful, because I plan to fill this drawer with tags and pretty things. Finally I added a vintage handle that looks great on it.

I decided to make several dividers to be able to separate the things I'm saving by theme or colors, for example. I decorated each divider with stickers, chipboards and Gaia stamps.

I hope you liked it, and that it inspired you to recycle things you have at home and give them a new but much nicer life.

With love


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