Bom Dia Snail Mail | Isa

Hello everyone!

It's Isa here today on the blog. First of all I wish that you are all safe and healthy and that you have spent a wonderful summer. As a farewell of "my summer" I have decided to create an original snail mail with the Bom Dia collection. 

First of all, what I have done is to cut with my Silhouette Cameo a shell. I have used one of the papers of the Bom dia Collection for it. I have used some flaps to join the two parts of the shell, so it looks like a pocket to insert all the envelopes with everything I have prepared for my penpal. 

For the cover of the snail mail in the shell I have used decorations I have cut from the Project Life cards from the Bom Dia collection and I have used some chipboard stickers to add more decorations. I also have glued all the motives with different volumes so it looks funnier. 

On the inside of the shell, there are several envelopes. To make this envelopes I have used a template of small envelopes. Inside the envelopes there are die cuts I made with the stamps set of the Bom Dia collection, a letter, some tags, project life cards and some chipboard stickers. 

I have also included a shaker card I made with a plastic folder from a Project Life material that I had at home. Inside the shaker I have added beads and sequins of the colors of the motives of the Bom Dia collection. 

And as a final detail I have included a small notebook of the Bom Dia collection. Notebooks are always a great detail to send with snail mails. 

And as you can see, everything fits and combines perfectly well with the shell. It is a very simple project but the results are very beautiful and any person of any scrapbook level can do it.

I hope you liked it!! I love preparing snail mails because I think that they are special details for special people! I hope to see you soon on the blog with new inspirations with the new wonderful Studio Forty collections that are about to come!! See you!



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Vacations | Katarzyna Kowalicka


Wakacje, wakacje i po wakacjach ehhh.

No ale zostały nam wspomnienia przecież! I jeszcze odrobina czasu przed nowym rokiem by sobie je posegregować, wywołać zdjęcia i zabawić się w ich oprawienie.

Ja tak własnie zrobiłam - nasz rodzinny wypad wakacyjny już się skończył, zdjęcia wydrukowałam i stworzyłam travel journal z naszymi wspomnieniami :)

Naszemu wyjazdowi poświęcę cały travel journal więc ozdobiłam również okładkę używając naklejek i stempli choć sama okładka jest również urocza :)

Chciałam w tym travel journalu wykorzystać nie tylko kolekcję BOM DIA ale też poprzednie letnie kolekcje papierów, naklejek i stempli - i sami zobaczcie, że wszystko pasuje :) i jest w duchu zero waste ;)
GdzieÅ› zawsze zostajÄ… nam skrawki papierów, pojedyncze naklejki czy stemple i tak leżą i czekajÄ… na dobry moment - co jak sami wiecie zajmuje czasami sporo czasu. 

W moich wpisach nie brakuje różnego rodzaju naklejek, odbitek stempli, papierów a także kart do projekt life - jak widzicie wszystko można dowolnie wykorzystywać, ogranicza nas tylko wyobraźnia :)

Mam nadzieję, że wróciliście cali i zdrowi z wakacyjnych wojaży, wypoczęci i uśmiechnięci :) I nie zabraknie Wam energii do zmagań z powakacyjną rzeczywistością.

Bądźcie zdrowi!

W swojej pracy wykorzystałam:

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Planner Layouts | Monika Pestrová

Hello everyone! It’s been nearly a week since we have returned from our two weeks holiday. We did not go anywhere abroad - we spent our summer holiday in the Czech Republic (well apart from a few hours spent on the road in the Austria).

First week of our holiday we went to eastern Bohemia to visit our relatives and spend a few days with them. And as the wearher was extremely hot we either went to the public swimming pool or rode by bikes to the lake. And as our days were all rather the same I decidet not to make a separateTraveler’s Journal for this week, but I made two layouts in my Happy Planner. 

For my layouts I used the BEAUTIFUL LIFE collection from last year which was perfect for those summer pages. Most of my photos are from the swimming pool and from the lakeside. Our sun loves water and swimming so he was in heaven. 

I chose photos I wanted to have on my pages and then I positioned them as desired. To “frame” the photos I stitched lines between them with blue embroidery thread. It was a loooooong work but I did it while watching my favorite series on Netflix. As a title I wrote "OUR SUMMER VACATION" (in czech of course) and added a girland made from BOM DIA summer stamps and a piece of thread.

And this is my second page. It's more or less pretty the same thing, so nothing special. I only chose a different paper as a background. Finaly I added some embelishments - stamps, paper die-cuts and roller stamp. I didn’t write any journaling. I only wrote a few words on my typewriter and sticked it to the photos. So this time - more photos, less writing. 

So that’s my newest spread in my Happy Planner. Have a great day!

Products I used:

BEAUTIFUL LIFE enjoy today / relax - scrapbook paper

BEAUTIFUL LIFE - have fun / sprinkle - scrapbook paper

BEAUTIFUL LIFE - transparent stickers

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#play | Bom Dia | By Gwen

 Hello S40 friend !


Today, I'd like to show you a gentle page...

As usual for me, I prepare my background with watercolor, inkstains and stamps.


 Then, I superimposed: a journaling card, a doily, my photos and embellishments (stickers, labels, chipboards, cut outs)

I cut the camera in a 30x30 paper.


I used :

 - BOM DIA Scrapbook paper #05

- BOM DIA Scrapbook paper #03

- BOM DIA Color Sticker Set (english)

-  Story details Journaling cards (set of 19)

- Story details Chipboard Stickers set

-  Labels Sticker Set

- Days Documented Stamp set #99 



Take Care and See You Soon ! 


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Splash Layout | Alexandra Würden

Hi Crafty Friends,

At the moment, when the weather is nice, I get on my board at least once a week and paddle across lakes and through rivers. Today I have a layout and a cut file for you.

For this layout I first selected different colored papers from the notebook papers and cut them into board shape with my silhouette. You can find the cutfile HERE.

Then I first provided the edge of the boards with holes and then embroidered them in a matching color. Of course, the luggage net shouldn't be missing.

I designed the background with blue watercolor and added a few splashes of yellow and pink.

Then I arranged the boards on the cardstock and glued them on.

then the photos and lots of the great chipboard stickers ...

and of course a few more stamps ... and voilà my layout is ready.

I hope I was able to inspire you. I used the following materials:


- white Cardstock

- Notebook Edition Papers Bom Dia 

- Chipboard Sticker Bom Dia

- Color Sticker Set Bom Dia  

- Stamp Set Everyday Fun 

- Stamp Set Journey  



Alexandra ( Tuewasduliebst )

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 Hello, today I'll show you my latest project with the series BOM DIA.

How do you feel about scrapbooking challenges? I like them a lot because they give you a different input when you do scrapping.

The task with this project was to bring something to the project with sewing. I have a very nice typewriter, but I also prefer the hand-sewn look. So I decided to decorate my journaling cards with a few hand stitches.

First I cut nine white cards size 3x4 inch from a white cardstock. I cut a card from the collection diagonally and stuck two cards on each. With my piercing tool and the mat I pre-punched the holes and then embroidered a line diagonally with some golden thread. I think the gold goes very well with the blue of the cards and looks very classy.

I cut a few objects out of the printed cardstock with shells and starfish by hand and used them to decorate the cards.

For the card in the middle of the page, I also embroidered a row by hand along the stripes, for the second row I sewed in a few more sequins.

I hope I could give you some inspiration again? take care of yourself and stay healthy.

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