Confetti ⎪Traveler's Notebook⎪Heidi Ma

Confetti!!! Yay!!!!

What is better to decorate a party (or a spread of a notebook about a party :-) than confetti?
So I was very busy – and punched! 

Yes – I stuck every single confetti spot with tweezers and glue dots, but I like the effect, so it was worth the trouble. Especially in combination with those lovely stickers and die cuts!

I tried something new: a traveler’s notebook in a smaller size – it’s 10,5 x 14 cm...

...and I love that the photos fill the whole page (with a lot of layered confetti!).

Did you notice, that the lovely  „just chillin’“- collection is not only suitable for Christmas? 

An additional possibility: the combination of confetti and little stamps. The triangles (the stamp belongs to the Snuggle - stamp set #80) are perfect with my tablecloth, aren’t they? ;-)

And now, my scrapfriends out there, have a festive New year’s eve tonight to welcome the new year! (an occasion to use confetti??? ;-)
Wish you a happy new year and may your dreams come true in 2019!

The products I used (You can click on the words to find them in the shop):

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Zimowe layouty z konfetti | Magda

DzieÅ„ dobry! Zima trwa w najlepsze, ale do zrobienia zimowych layoutów 
musiałam wykorzystać zdjęcia z początku roku (ze śniegiem).

W projektach użyłam papierów, stempli oraz dodatków z kolekcji
Just Chillin' oraz Magic Fall. Ich pastelowe kolory świetnie się uzupełniają.

Pierwszy layout jest delikatnie kolorowy - skrzy się dzięki
hologramowemu confetti w kształcie heksagonu.
Do tego motywu wprost idealnie pasuje papier wires / confetti 
oraz karta wycięta z arkusza blizzard / postcard.

W drugim z layoutów zestawiłam odcienie szarości z miętą
- to połączenie bardzo lubię, chłodne kolory pasują do zimy.

Mocnym elementem jest tutaj czarna ramka, którą wykonałam
przy pomocy stempla z zestawu Snuggle - stamp set #80.

Layout skrzy się i mieni, dzięki brokatowym dodatkom oraz konfetti.
Sylwester za pasem, błysk i brokat nie zna lepszej pory!

Wykorzystane produkty:

JUST CHILLIN' -zestaw 6 papierów 30,5x30,5cm / paper set of 6
JUST CHILLIN' -Notebook edition-zestaw 12 papierów 10x21 cm
stemple Snuggle - stamp set #80
Winter Wishes - stamp set #81
Cozy houses- stamp set #82
 Magic Fall - chipboard sticker set
Just Chillin - chipboard sticker set
Fairytales- transparent stickers
Magic Fall- transparent stickers
Magic World - sticker set
Cozy Winter - transparent stickers
Just Chillin - transparent stickers
Snowflakes - transparent stickers
December Memories - Notebook/PL kit
Enamel shapes - sticker set
STARS - wood elements- zestaw

 Zimowe pozdrowienia!

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Confetti Layout | Stephanie B.

Hey Guys,

hope you all had a beautiful christmas and some great days with your loved ones.

Today i want to show you a "confetti"-themed layout i made with the
cute "Just Chillin"-Collection.

As you can see - these lovely stuff is also perfect for summer layouts.

This is the material i use:
paper JUST CHILLIN - blizzard / postcards
JUST CHILLIN paper - sparkle / icerink
paper JUST CHILLIN - glimmer / frozen
JUST CHILLIN paper - wires / confetti
Carpe Diem- banner stickers
Fairytales- transparent stickers
Golden Paper

For the bigger circles i took Circle Framelits, the smaller golden ones are made with a
usual office hole-punch ;-)

Hope you have a super great weekend,
and best wishes for 2019

xoxo, Steffi

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Radosnych ÅšwiÄ…t! Merry Christmas! | Bligu

Hej! To już dziś! Wyczekiwany tak długo dzień właśnie nastał.
Dopinamy wszystko na ostatni guzik - jeszcze w poÅ›piechu, 
ale z każdą chwilą będzie coraz spokojniej i coraz świąteczniej.
JeÅ›li pakowanie prezentów jeszcze przed Wami, 
przedstawiam garść pomysłów na przyozdobienie pakunków dla najbliższych.
KorzystaÅ‚am z papierów, stempli oraz naklejek i chipboardów z ostatnich kolekcji - 
Just Chillin' i Magic Fall.

Wykorzystane materiały:  JUST CHILLIN'  -Notebook edition-zestaw 12 papierów 10x21 cm  

Pozdrawiam świątecznie!

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Album {Confetti}

10:00 , 2 Comments

Hello, scrapfriends! Irina is here.
Today I want to show you my new album. It is, of course, about the winter!

I specifically knitted a wool cover for this album. So very cozy and soft!

And the main element is confetti. I hid confetti several times in the whole album!

First of all I made such a cute bear with a shaker.  I poured confetti, as well as snowflakes and glitter in this bear! This is a completely unusual bear!

I also used an acetate sheet imitating confetti or peas.

I did a lot of interesting things for my album! For example, I cut out a deer from a paper and an  acetate.

And also I used my animal drawings! In this album settled in the end the hare and the bear!

Let's look through the album! All pages in this album are different sizes.

Here's confetti! This time I gathered confetti in a  transparent pocket!

In this album are photos of our winter.


Some photos already in it!

The album has many delimiters. For example,  acetate sheets, velum, pockets with confetti, cards for project life, paper napkins.

I am happy with my album and will gladly paste new winter photos into it.

Enjoy your creativity with Studio Forty!

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