Journal from Porto | Anabel

Zapraszamy dzisiaj na wpis Anabel, której pracy są zawsze trochę jak podróż w czasie.
Nastrojowa i romantyczna podróż, a to dzięki stonowanym kolorom
i charakterystycznym dla stylu vintage dodatkom, jakie również znajdziecie 
pośród kolekcji Studio Forty designs. Najbardziej romantyczna kolekcja
to nasza wiosenna nowość - 'SO ROMANTIC'.

/ Hello. Today it's time for Anabel's blog post, of which designs are always
a bit like a time travel. This journey is moody and romantis, thanks to subtle
and vintage accessories that you also find in S40's collections.
Our most romantic offer is 'SO ROMANTIC' of course - the latest spring collection.

Hi! How are you?

These last few weeks I've been at home more than usual, I guess like most of you,
I'm working on journals I've had for a long time, half or not at all, from my trips last year.


The truth is that I appreciate it because this way for a moment I fill myself 
with good memories and good vibes that help me to take this situation a little better. 

A few weeks ago I was showing you this journal that I made with the beautiful collection 
So romantic and it was time to fill it with photos and memories of those days in Porto.

The print of these papers seems so beautiful to me that I haven't reloaded many pages.  
A couple of stickers and stamps with a nice message to give life to these photos and that's it!

Many times less is more.
I hope you are well, a big hug.

With love.
Anabel - @Cattaleiasoul

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