Traveller Copta | Isa

Good morning everyone!!

It is so good to be back in the Studio Forty blog! Just today I start my holidays and I go on a trip but I couldn't leave without showing you all my new project.

This time I present you today a new coptic binding book made with the "Hello World" collection of Studio Forty. If you don't know how to make a coptic binding book I suggest you check the tutorial I made some time ago here. Some people say that this kind of project is quite difficult to make, but in my case it is one of the most relaxing things that I do when I do scrapbook at home. 

What I like most is to hang tons of decorations of from the stitching of the book, I think it is what makes them a beautiful project to make and to fill in with great memories. 

In the inside I have used all the papers from the collection but also some white paper to add more pages. 

For the outside part I have combined all kind of decorations as well as some die cuts and wood decorations from the "Hello World" collection from Studio Forty.

In the cover I have used some die cuts, stickers and wood decorations from the "Hello World" collection as well. The wood of the cover is painted with acrylic paint and I have added some drops of white paint. I always like to add some drops of paint in all my projects.

You can hang there all the decorations you want. What I try is that all the decorations hanging there always combine with the collecion of papers and with the colors that the papers have. 

I hope to fill this book with tons of beautiful summer memories!

I hope that you like the project and that you create beautiful books for your summer memories. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask! I will be back very soon in the Studio Forty blog with a new inspiration! 

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