środa, 30 marca 2022

Self-standing three sided easel card album | Yukie Bessho

Hello Craft lovers!

How are you all doing? For some people, it may not the best time, but I hope things turns out to be better soon, and find some time to be crafty!

Today, I would like to share my easel card. 
Easel card is very popular among with crafters in my country Japan.
I have arranged an ordinal easel card into a mini book with some pages. 

This is the front page. Used  'Love & Relax' #159 stamp set.
 Also. I have used some enamels
 and chipboard stickers.

Used some die cut elements, journaling cards, chipboard stickers.

This is how the easel card stands. 

Three sided. You have plenty of spaces to fill!

From the side.

The center page, it flips, for extra photos!

So that's it. Hope you like it. 

Everyday story collection →Click here

I will post process video on my instagram. 
Check @majo__randa (two under bars) 

Until next time!
Stay safe, and find some time to be crafty!

Thank you!



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