wtorek, 19 grudnia 2017

Guest Designer - Catalina Ramirez -cz 2.

Dziś na blogu po raz drugi i ostatni witamy gościnną projektantkę - Catalinę Ramirez.
Zobaczcie jaka przygotowała dla Was dziś inspirację:

Hello, Catalina here

I accompany you this month with a project designed in this Christmas season. Since there is nothing better than giving away some handmade detail. Here I also suppose that I reused a jar, since the care of the environment is an important aspect for me.
So I present one of my versions as a gift in a jar.

With the papers of the MoonChild collection I cut tags and also with strips of the same paper I made a tassel. First time I make a paper tassel and I loved the result.

Complemented with stamp on the tag and transparent sticker on the lid, on paper. I added to a small watercolor brushstroke.

Thank You so much for having me. Hope you all like my projects for the Studio Forty guest posts.

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